CIP-IRV (Internationaler Rebveredlerverband - Comité International des pépiniéristes viticoles - International Association of Grapevine Nurseries)

Grazie alla solerzia del segretario CIP-IRV dr. Christian Jaborek pubblichiamo le relazioni presentate nell'assemblea annuale tenutasi il 28 novembre 2016 a Stuttgard.

- A. Kortekamp und J. Eder: "Trichoderma bei der Rebveredlung zum Schutz vor Schaderregern des Esca-Komplexes (GTD)"

- A. Meier: "Expériences suisses relatives au traitement à l’eau chaude"

- E. Sartori: "Susceptibility of grape varieties to esca disease"

- J. Schmid, F. Manty, E. Rühl "Behavior of new Phylloxera resistant rootstocks on different vineyard sites"

- P. Bloy: "Hot Water Treatment trials Cuttings and plants"

- R. Eibach: "Recent progress in grapevine breeding"